Parish Path Wardens
Parish Path Warden (PPW). The Council's appointees as PPW are Ian Gemmell, who was appointed in 2021 and Lee Watkiss who was appointed in 2024. They are not employees of the Council; they are volunteers.
The role of a PPW is to act as a point of contact for rights of way issues between Kettering Town Council and the rights of way service providers. Rights of Way are public footpaths, bridleways, byways, permissive paths, and other such forms of access.
Issues with any rights of way can be reported on the Fix My Street website.
Lee's contact details are
Phone: 07738712496
You can email Ian at
Footpaths in Kettering
The definitive map of footpaths in Kettering is maintained by North Northamptonshire Council . For Kettering, there are two relevant documents
- a map for the old parish of Kettering (pre 2021 boundaries)
- a map for Cranford Parish, the westerly part of which transferred into Kettering parish in 2021.
Both maps are shown below.
KETTERING definitive footpath map (PDF, 15.1 Mb)
KETTERING definitive footpath map
CRANFORD defintitive footpath map. (PDF, 11.2 Mb)
CRANFORD defintitive footpath map.