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We want your views on plans for next year

We want your views on plans for next year

Kettering Town Council is launching a consultation on its plans and spending for the next financial year.

The council has put together a list of everything it wants to do in 2023 but now needs residents' views.

There are a range of projects which aim to boost the economy, improve the environment and local facilities, plus support groups and residents with grants and advice.

Ideas for events include bringing back Kettering By The Sea, running more specialist markets and holding more events throughout the summer. The council is in addition being asked to take on the cost of Christmas lights.

The council also awards grants to local groups and is looking for opinions about how that money is spent.

The list of projects includes:
-Spending £112,250 for events and speciality markets throughout the year – an increase of £64,750.
-Giving out £30,000 in grants to local groups and organisations – an increase of £5,000.
-Raising the funds for new, permanent public toilet facilities in the town centre.
-A £20,000 fund to renew or provide new facilities around town – this year the money is going on bleed kits and recycling bins, for example.

-Allocating £7,500 to support community resilience – helping recover from covid, supporting the levelling up agenda, becoming more sustainable.

-Spending £3,000 on environmental and biodiversity projects.

People can have their say by filling in this online survey or in person by going along to the consultation events in the Newlands Centre on Thursday 17 November and Tuesday 22 November between 12pm and 4pm.

Cllr Mark Rowley, chair of the Finance and Governance Committee, said: "Kettering Town Council is here to serve the people of the town and we want as many people to come forward as possible to tell us what they think of our plans for 2023.

"We have a range of ambitious projects that we think will make a real difference to Kettering and help support local people and businesses.

"Come down to the Newlands Centre and talk to us or give us your views through the form on our website."

The Council's plans will mean a precept on the Council Tax of £23.50 for someone in an average, Band D, property – about 45p a week. This will still be one of the lowest precepts in North Northamptonshire or in England for a town or parish council.

The Council is looking for feedback on its ideas by Tuesday 6 December 2022, ahead of making a final decision at a council meeting on Wednesday 18 January 2023.

Posted: Tue, 8 Nov 2022

Tags: Budget, Community, Consultation, Events, News